Analytics & Predictive Analysis
Our analytics model provides a visual representation of datasets required in the reporting models such as BRSR, GRI, and Greenhouse Gas Calculations.
Predictive analysis at GreenAlytics can be conducted manually or using machine-learning algorithms. Either way, historical data is used to make assumptions about the future.
- • Identify what problems need to be solved
- • Check if you have the necessary data.
- • Put insights into action
Greenalytics enables systematic computational analysis of data.
Analytics will analyse the past historical data with the current data to create meaningful patterns.
We update the Analytics Charts & Relevant components as per the customer’s need. Our model also allows you to download the Data-Driven charts into EXCEL, CSV, PNG & PDF formats.
Data Visualization
This is one of the attractive components of our tool where we allow customers to visualize, update and interact with the data they uploaded.